Thursday, July 8, 2010


"What goes around, comes all the way back around"

Everyday, each and everyday, I witness people doing some of the dumbest and most spiteful shit, and I don't think they ever stop to realize that that which they put out into the world is going to come back and hit them in the face with triple the force.   If we all took a time out before we do things, and contemplate the consequences, I believe wholeheartedly that we would get along better, and although I hate cliches...the world would indeed be a better place!

Think of the friend who has been purely self-centered and off putting, who now needs you, but is unable to communicate with you because of his or her discomfort with both you, for being less than a friend, and the situation, for allowing it to happen and continue...whatever that situation might be.  Never in a million years did that person expect for things to be strained with you, but at the same time, he should have.  You have to be the kind of friend you want to have, I say that all the time.  My friendships mean the world to me...and I do everything I can to maintain them and keep them.  People who allow their friendships to wither, and want to come back and feed and nourish them once the season has come and gone, find themselves in a lonely place.  But karma, is truly a bitch.

Think of the co-worker who has spread nasty gossip around the building, telling lies and mistruths about someone...only to have it come back that none of it is actually true.  That person has tainted another's reputation and credibility, only to now be the subject of that same ridicule.   What goes around comes back around, and when you spew shit and end up smelly and poisoned.   Again, karma truly is a bitch.

So think about the things you say and do, and remember that in the end, when you are kind and treat people matter how they treat you, you always win.

Song of the Day:  Power by Kanye West

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