"My deepest inner feelings, my heart and soul"
If only you knew me, you would know I am....loyal!
If I care about you or love you, there are no limits. I am dedicated to you 100% and I would give my right arm for your health and happiness.
If you only knew me, you would know I am...sensitive!
I don't come across as sensitive, but I am. My feelings can get hurt fairly easily and I am a sucka for you if I like you.
If you only knew me, you would know I am...passionate.
I am an all or nothing kind of girl...I either give it my all or my nothing. I tend to eat, sleep, and breathe the things that mean alot to me, and I give everything I do and extreme level of intensity.
If you only knew me, you would know that I am...a pessimist.
I have always been a glass half empty person. I can certainly see the good in things and want the best in every situation, however, I tend to be able to see the bad much more easily...it sticks out like a sore thumb to me, and I can call it out every time. I don't seem to have that same insight into the good. Wish I did...
If you only know me, you would know that I ...have insecurities.
A friend of mine once told me...You have always been very confident, always knew that you could have whatever you wanted. I didn't really see myself in that light though. I am confident, to an extent. Mostly in my mental abilities...I know that I am intelligent and creative. I also know that I am very insecure about many other things, most of which most people would never know about, because I keep those hidden. I am insecure less often about how I look, which seems to be what most women are concerned about, and much more insecure about my own choices, my desires, my wants. I struggle with whether the things that I see for myself are actually my own true desires or ones I have thrust upon myself because I believe it is what I SHOULD be doing. I struggle with decisions that will affect other people, and whether I am correct in making a decision for my own needs that will affect other people in a negative way. I struggle with impatience, wanting things in that moment, and not having the peace and calm to accept them as they come. I struggle with building a future for myself that is about doing what I want to do and living the life I want to lead, and not being led by a desire for possessions and objects but for purpose!
If I only knew you, what would I find out??
Song of the Day: All That I Am by Joe
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